Saturday, February 21, 2015

Quilt Label Panels

At last our long awaited QUILT LABEL PANEL has arrived! It is SO useful, one panel contains multiple, varied labels. The best part?
The 60cm panel is only $15.00!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Hint of the Day

Taken from Claire Shaeffer's Fabrics Sewing Guide:
"If you wind the bobbin on a fast speed, the polyester thread stretches; and it won't have an opportunity to relax until it is stitched into a seam. When it relaxes, the seam will pucker." . . .and can't be pressed out.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Red Rooster Prints

We have beautiful oriental prints from Red Rooster in stock now, perfect for that change of season.

New Look Patterns and New Prints

Beautiful cotton spandex 150 wide fabric, cool fashion...

New release of New Look patterns have arrived!

Monday, February 2, 2015

New Tapestries in Stock Now

We have just received a delivery of new tapestries! Here are a few lovely examples.